BCCF Competitive Grants

    From Battle Creek Community Foundation

    The Battle Creek Community Foundation promotes giving, builds endowment, and provides leadership to improve the quality of life in Battle Creek. Founded in 1974, it was created as a way for people of all means to give back to their community, growing through gifts from individuals, corporations, and organizations. These funds support grants for nonprofit programs, scholarships, and community solutions, all governed by a volunteer board of local leaders.

    Type of Support


    The BCCF Competitive Grants, or General Grants, support programs and projects within the greater Battle Creek area and Calhoun County, specifically targeting health and art programming. These grants are for requests exceeding $1,500 and undergo review by community volunteer committees. The grant-making focuses on three strategic areas identified through thorough strategic planning: Health, with an emphasis on access to healthcare, maternal and infant health, behavioral health, and community wellness; Education, which includes improving access to and awareness of post-secondary education, community educational systems, funding, and maximizing financial aid support; and Livable Community, aiming at enhancing resident engagement, community spirit, arts and culture, creative projects, economics, environmental stewardship, and community partnerships. Priority is given to programs and nonprofits impacting these specific areas.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    1.5K – 10K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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