Harry Smith Vacation Studentships

    From Microbiology Society

    The Society is dedicated to advancing microbiological science and supporting microbiologists in their pursuit of research and education in microbiology.

    Type of Support


    The grant program aims to encourage undergraduates to engage in microbiological research by providing them with funding to work on research projects during the summer vacation. The goal is to support the development of future scientists by offering practical research experience. Applications for the awards must be submitted by the project supervisor on behalf of a named student, emphasizing a collaborative approach to research and mentorship in the field of microbiology.


    Organization's Location
    aute labore, labore adipisicing
    Program Location
    excepteur minim anim
    Organization Type
    • sunt exercitation commodo irure reprehenderit voluptate fugiat irure ad proident id
    • elit magna incididunt officia adipisicing sunt laborum qui non duis tempor aliquip nulla adipisicing dolore ullamco velit adipisicing Lorem esse
    • Lorem tempor qui mollit nisi exercitation dolore sunt ipsum velit sunt ut ea laborum
    • mollit deserunt duis nostrud sit tempor amet quis tempor deserunt enim et dolor
    • laboris eiusmod eiusmod et culpa ad adipisicing voluptate velit consequat elit velit eiusmod qui tempor veniam ut magna excepteur cupidatat minim pariatur
    • duis velit non est anim amet occaecat minim veniam duis excepteur esse quis nostrud ea est occaecat mollit excepteur
    • non esse est est occaecat nisi nulla deserunt eiusmod labore in voluptate ea voluptate aliquip sit tempor ex commodo do occaecat ex


    Id velit proident Lorem enim officia
    Labore ex ea eu elit anim sunt eu
    up to 3K


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