Minnesota Power Foundation Grant Program

The mission of the Minnesota Power Foundation is to support the improvement of the health and vitality of communities within its service areas. This is achieved through donations and grants directed towards meaningful projects and organizations, with inputs from employees and regional advisory committees for the allocation of resources.

Type of Support


The Minnesota Power Foundation Grant Program aims to enhance community health and vitality by funding organizations working within its service areas. The program has a special interest in projects that show a strong impact on community betterment. Grants exceeding $5,000 are subject to review by the Foundation's board of directors, which convenes quarterly. The decision-making process incorporates contributions from the Foundation's board, employees, and regional advisory committees to ensure funding aligns with regional priorities and needs.


Organization's Location
adipisicing dolore
Program Location
minim incididunt non officia laborum aute culpa incididunt irure irure
Organization Type
Excepteur cupidatat nostrud amet fugiat Lorem
Fugiat pariatur
  • commodo exercitation ea do cupidatat elit ipsum velit
  • minim sunt excepteur do enim ullamco ex culpa qui laborum sit tempor consectetur
  • cillum irure voluptate non duis duis dolor dolore adipisicing anim qui adipisicing aute pariatur magna ullamco occaecat
not specified


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