Land Conservation Partnership Grant: Conservation Easement Assistance Program

From Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC)

The mission of the funder (likely MDC, although not explicitly stated) is not detailed within the provided text, so it's undefined in this context.

Type of Support


The grant program, comprising the Land Conservation Partnership Grant and the Conservation Easement Assistance Program, focuses on providing financial assistance to support land conservation efforts. It aims to help communities and local governments acquire land or easements for the purpose of preserving land with high conservation value. This includes projects that protect habitat for wildlife, improve water quality, provide outdoor recreation opportunities, and offer other ecosystem services. The program offers competitive, matching grants and financial assistance to cover costs related to the establishment of donated conservation easements, with a maximum award of $200,000 per project proposal. However, it does not currently compensate landowners for the value of the easement itself, although this aspect is under review.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Local governments
Nonprofit land trusts registered and in good standing with the Missouri Secretary of State
  • Mission includes protecting lands for conservation purposes
  • Lands must be in Missouri
  • At least 75% existing natural cover or planned natural cover with restoration initiated within 2 years
  • Acres grazed by livestock not considered natural cover unless in compliance with an MDC approved wildlife habitat management plan
  • Easements entered willingly by landowner without use of eminent domain
  • No minimum or maximum acreage requirement; selection based on economies of scale and budget
  • Focus on conservation of fish, forest, and/or wildlife
  • Habitat improvement practices must follow best management practices
  • Up to 25% of acres can be non-natural community types if pre-authorized
  • Livestock must be excluded from forests and riparian areas unless approved by an MDC wildlife habitat management plan
  • Provisions for building and subdivisions considered on a case-by-case basis


Applicants who prohibit herbicide use, harvest timber, hunt, fish, or trap on the easement
Landowners who plant nuisance exotic, invasive plants as classified by the Missouri Invasive Plant Task Force
Applicants who convert existing or planned natural cover to non-natural community cover types without easement approval
Applicants who change, manipulate, or alter natural water courses without approval
Those engaged in mining or mineral extraction on the easement
Applicants using other MDC funds for easement purchase
Applicants with easements having pre-approved building envelopes, where MDC won't cover special charges or stewardship fees for those areas
Applicants with easements that include pre-approved future tract subdividing, where MDC won't cover associated special charges
Applicants expecting coverage of appraisal costs by the grant program.
up to 200k


Review Criteria

Projects featuring public accessibility will gain extra points in the project evaluation, though offering public access is not mandatory for participation.