Neighborhood Assistance Program

    From Missouri Department of Economic Development

    The Missouri Department of Economic Development (DED) works to create an environment that encourages economic growth by supporting Missouri's businesses and diverse industries, strengthening our communities, developing a talented and skilled workforce, and maintaining a high quality of life.

    Type of Support


    The Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) administered by the DED, is not a grant but a tax credit for contribution program designed to aid community-based organizations in implementing projects within varied domains such as community service, education, crime prevention, job training, and physical revitalization. Eligible nonprofits or business organizations seeking to administer a project must be approved through the NAP application process, receiving state tax credits to attract donors. Tax credits, amounting to 50% or 70% of eligible contributions, incentivize donors by allowing them to offset their income tax liability when they contribute to approved community development projects. The program emphasizes supporting job training that aligns with local business needs, education initiatives for underserved youth and adults, and prioritizes applications from geographic areas previously underrepresented in terms of funding relative to poverty levels. The total NAP tax credit pool is $16 million, aimed at fostering private investment in community revitalization efforts.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
    up to 500K


    Visit Apply for more information.