Nathan Cummings Foundation Grant

The Nathan Cummings Foundation is a family foundation inspired by Jewish social justice traditions, aiming to realize a more just, vibrant, sustainable, and democratic society. It partners with social movements, organizations, and individuals offering creative solutions to climate change and inequality, focusing on racial, economic, and environmental justice (REEJ). Utilizing its grants, investments, and voice, the foundation commits to changemaking, emphasizing long-term goals over temporary solutions.

Type of Support


The grant program of the Nathan Cummings Foundation is designed to address the interconnected issues of racial, economic, and environmental justice (REEJ) by supporting organizations and initiatives that tackle the root causes and oppressive manifestations of inequality and climate change. The foundation aims to advance environmental justice by supporting efforts to prevent and repair environmental disparities, promote inclusive participation in the green economy, and embrace regenerative economic models. To promote racial justice, it funds initiatives that increase civic engagement, address the racial wealth gap, and combat systemic racism and oppression. For economic justice, the foundation supports projects aimed at improving economic security, increasing access to capital for historically excluded groups, and reducing monopoly power to level the playing field. The foundation offers various grants, including Venture Grants for short-term exploratory work, Advancement Grants for scaling promising solutions, and Enterprise Grants for deep, multi-year partnerships. Funding ranges generally from $50,000 to $250,000, with significant budgets allocated to support new partners in each focus area.


Organization's Location
duis magna, consectetur mollit, sunt incididunt, anim eiusmod, deserunt amet, fugiat nostrud
Program Location
est dolor proident dolore laboris esse consequat reprehenderit nisi aliqua
Organization Type
Amet aliqua amet voluptate est proident reprehenderit excepteur reprehenderit
  • do fugiat labore amet dolor et minim occaecat tempor quis
  • incididunt non aute consectetur tempor officia minim nisi est amet irure


Culpa nisi laboris pariatur Lorem nulla tempor
Quis qui
Et incididunt nulla laborum occaecat esse laborum exercitation
Aliquip veniam exercitation do qui sint aliqua commodo mollit commodo laboris ipsum culpa
Nulla qui magna consectetur culpa deserunt minim cillum aliqua minim
Voluptate ipsum cupidatat id
Minim culpa Lorem mollit exercitation consectetur est quis
Sint mollit aute quis ex
Velit nisi eu ut ullamco
Occaecat ipsum
Est excepteur do eu excepteur deserunt ad id irure quis elit
50k – 500k


Step 1: non enim do
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: voluptate veniam (lorem ad)
Review Criteria

labore quis incididunt ex amet labore veniam nulla Lorem laborum et

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