Mission Coordination Committee Grants: Earth Care “Power to Change”

From National Capital Presbytery

This fund is dedicated to tackling the root causes of poverty by empowering low-income communities. It emphasizes the importance of collective strength and active participation in the decision-making process, aiming to foster the development of human and financial resources for neighborhood revitalization.

Type of Support


The Mission Coordination Committee Grants: Earth Care “Power to Change” aims to support Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) congregations in their efforts to care for God’s creation and strive towards living carbon neutral lives. This grant provides matching funds up to $2,000 for each congregation to implement projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water, or educate and advocate for environmental stewardship. Projects can include energy audits, improving insulation, installing energy-saving sensors and LED lights, setting up alternative energy systems, and promoting educational programs, advocacy, native species preservation, and sustainable watershed protection. Projects must be completed within one year of funding, and recipients are required to present their results and learnings in a forum with the NCP Earth Care Network. Significant project changes must be approved in advance, and unused funds returned within 12 months.


Organization's Location
adipisicing anim
Program Location
occaecat cillum aliqua laboris aute irure amet amet sunt veniam
Organization Type
Minim et ad amet dolor est
  • ullamco exercitation cupidatat ea anim in in fugiat nisi tempor esse in officia
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  • qui do non minim exercitation incididunt laboris veniam irure adipisicing


Magna sint id incididunt nulla adipisicing
up to 2k


Visit Apply for more information.

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