Mission Coordination Committee Grants: Local Mission Grant

From National Capital Presbytery

This fund is dedicated to tackling the root causes of poverty by empowering low-income communities. It emphasizes the importance of collective strength and active participation in the decision-making process, aiming to foster the development of human and financial resources for neighborhood revitalization.

Type of Support


The Mission Coordination Committee Grants: Local Mission Grant aims to support the initiation of new local mission initiatives or the expansion of existing missional work within communities served by congregations. Successful grant applications should detail the congregation's direct engagement, the number and needs of the community members served, and how the program will be evaluated and sustained. Grants are reviewed monthly, with potential second-year funding that is contingent on fund availability. NCP matches contributions from the congregation up to $7,500. Supported projects can range from community gardens, children/youth programs, housing, environmental projects, hunger/nutrition, health education, parenting, peacemaking, vocational training, immigrant outreach, anti-racism efforts, mental health, arts, recreation, community organizing, homeless outreach, support for the fragilely housed, older adult services, prison outreach, and domestic violence.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 7.5k


Visit Apply for more information.