National Home Library Foundation Grant

    The National Home Library Foundation's mission focuses on enhancing access to reading materials and promoting literacy. By distributing books and reading resources to underserved libraries and communities, supporting literacy programs, and fostering an appreciation for reading and literature among all age groups, the Foundation aims to combat illiteracy and encourage engagement with literary and cultural content.

    Type of Support


    The grant program from the National Home Library Foundation has broad goals of supporting literacy, access to reading material, and the appreciation of literary arts. Specifically, it aims to:

    1. Provide books and reading materials to libraries and community groups that have limited access to these resources.
    2. Support and promote programs designed to fight illiteracy and encourage an interest in reading and the literary arts across all age groups.
    3. Foster the development of literary or culturally focused programs that employ various communication methods. Grants are distributed on a rolling basis, with annual considerations, typically ranging from $500 to $5000.


    Organization's Location
    deserunt pariatur
    Program Location
    cupidatat proident quis fugiat voluptate qui proident reprehenderit fugiat
    Organization Type
    Duis velit cupidatat voluptate dolor labore
    • aliquip tempor eiusmod ullamco nostrud sit elit quis reprehenderit cillum qui enim aliqua laboris enim


    Consectetur eu sunt ullamco aliqua exercitation eu amet officia nulla
    Proident nulla
    Aute duis dolor pariatur laborum
    Consequat Lorem
    Do magna
    500 – 5K


    Review Criteria

    eiusmod quis aliqua officia eu fugiat cupidatat non laborum nisi commodo aute veniam cillum irure et reprehenderit incididunt irure occaecat quis irure

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