CFSC: Grade-Level Reading and Family Success Grants

From Community Foundation of Sarasota County

The Community Foundation of Sarasota County aims to empower and achieve successful educational and developmental outcomes across the community. It focuses on closing the achievement gap and supports initiatives that allow students to achieve reading proficiency by the 3rd grade while also backing whole-family focused programs.

Type of Support


The Grade Level Reading and Family Success Grants specifically target nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving education outcomes. These grants back programs that:

  • Close the educational achievement gap.
  • Support students in achieving reading proficiency by the 3rd grade.
  • Implement comprehensive, whole-family focused initiatives.

Funding priorities include:

  • School Readiness: Preparing young children and their families for educational success from kindergarten onwards.
  • Summer Learning: Offering educational opportunities during summer to prevent learning loss.
  • Family Engagement/Success: Empowering parents to set and achieve personal and educational goals for their families and themselves.

Proposals are by invitation only, with both one-year and multi-year projects considered.


Organization's Location
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Organization Type
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Visit Apply for more information.

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