Kids in Motion Grant Program

From The Mardy Fish Children’s Foundation

To provide children, particularly underserved minorities, with the opportunity to participate in safe and impactful fitness, nutritional, and enrichment programs empowering them to live healthy and productive lives. The foundation aims to inspire and transform the lives of all children by supporting and developing healthy and positive youth development programs. Currently, it supports over 2,400 children in Indian River County, Florida, by funding after-school exercise, nutritional, and enrichment programs.

Type of Support


The Mardy Fish Children’s Foundation – Kids in Motion Grant aims to support Schools & Community Based Organizations in starting, expanding, or improving their health, fitness, nutrition, or enrichment programming. The primary focus is on ensuring safety and Wellness for children grades K-12, by encouraging the development of lifelong healthy habits centered around health, fitness, and nutrition. Applicants are required to present a program that not only addresses healthy habit formation but also integrates progressive tennis skills, life skills, physical fitness, and nutrition for youth.


Organization's Location
occaecat id
Program Location
Organization Type
Commodo ex
  • irure amet exercitation culpa dolor amet laborum est aliqua deserunt pariatur ex do exercitation
  • aliquip occaecat enim ad reprehenderit anim
  • eiusmod eiusmod eu qui duis ut ipsum nulla pariatur enim aliqua ad laborum nisi
  • veniam ullamco ut aute ea fugiat laboris sit anim
  • aute magna ut qui do incididunt irure nulla ad enim anim magna
  • exercitation esse amet pariatur qui exercitation aliquip dolore nulla
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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