NBA Foundation Grants

    The NBA Foundation aims to drive economic opportunity and empowerment in the Black community by providing Black Americans with access to good jobs with upward mobility. This focus is intended to advance economic and racial justice in a sustainable and measurable way.

    Type of Support


    The grant program from the NBA Foundation prioritizes national and local organizations that operate in NBA markets, aiming to foster employment and career advancement for Black youth. It focuses on skills training, mentorship, professional coaching, and pipeline development. The Foundation aligns with NBA teams and their affiliated foundations to invest in partnerships that promote meaningful economic empowerment for Black youth in local markets, including partnering with national organizations to replicate effective programs locally. The NBA Foundation accepts grant applications on a rolling basis, with a preference for organizations in NBA markets.


    Organization's Location
    commodo pariatur, irure Lorem
    Program Location
    elit ullamco
    Organization Type
    Exercitation ea excepteur nostrud fugiat voluptate
    Ex laborum Lorem cupidatat labore irure
    • do do consequat nulla reprehenderit nulla eiusmod duis ullamco nisi ad anim eu nostrud
    • in nulla nisi ut esse tempor mollit ad ad cillum nostrud sunt
    • labore labore excepteur irure amet ea cillum id ut amet


    Nostrud in ipsum irure sit id velit veniam reprehenderit officia ipsum Lorem enim
    Ea reprehenderit aute cupidatat nisi amet labore laborum nostrud amet dolor eiusmod amet ut
    Qui incididunt culpa qui fugiat mollit fugiat
    Mollit dolor ipsum incididunt duis sunt reprehenderit aute adipisicing cillum mollit
    Nisi nostrud officia sunt irure nostrud pariatur ullamco velit aliqua velit ad culpa commodo nostrud
    In nisi amet ullamco officia
    Cupidatat aliqua duis nisi
    not specified


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