NAC: Arts Projects for the General Public Grant

From Nebraska Arts Council

The mission of the Nebraska Arts Council is to promote, cultivate, and sustain the arts for the people of Nebraska. The Council endeavors to build creative leadership in the arts, forge partnerships to expand arts opportunities, cultivate resources needed to sustain the arts, establish the arts as fundamental to education and lifelong learning, use the arts as a catalyst for understanding among cultures, and advocate for increased awareness and access to the arts.

Type of Support


The Arts Project Floating Deadline grants aim to support a wide range of arts and arts education projects, whether online or in-person, ensuring health and safety guidelines are followed. Specifically, the grants support arts programming, productions, or events accessible to the general public, with activities including but not limited to exhibitions, performances, poetry readings, commissions, new work development, arts festivals, community murals, and ethnic heritage projects. This grant encourages projects that support artists and cultural activities broadening opportunities for underserved communities. Key goals include forging partnerships, cultivating resources, leveraging the arts in education, fostering cultural understanding, and advocating for arts access. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis with a deadline at least six weeks prior to the project start date, and applicants must match the grant funds requested.


Organization's Location
labore proident
Program Location
Organization Type
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2k – 7.5k


Visit Apply for more information.