NHC Major Grants

From Nebraska Humanities Council

The mission of Humanities Nebraska is to help Nebraskans explore what connects us and makes us human, aiming for a society where Nebraskans possess the knowledge, understanding, and empathy to cultivate a more informed, thoughtful, and just society. They value culture, connection, respectful conversations, inclusivity, exposure to diverse expressions of human existence, celebration of shared histories and diverse cultures, engagement, responsiveness to community needs, and fostering purposeful lives.

Type of Support


Humanities Nebraska's grant program is dedicated to funding projects that engage with the humanities, prioritizing those that explore themes of connection but remaining open to a broad range of projects within the humanities sphere. This includes history, literature, languages, jurisprudence, philosophy, comparative religion, ethics, and arts criticism. The grant encourages proposals that address experiences of diverse and underrepresented groups in Nebraska's public humanities programming and maintains a commitment to inclusive grantmaking. The goal is to develop engaging experiences for Nebraskans that respect differences, celebrate shared histories and diverse cultures, and respond flexibly to the community's needs.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Non-profits with state of Nebraska and IRS 501(c)(3) or other 501(c) status
Federal, state, county, local, or tribal government entities – including public schools and libraries
  • Humanities central to the funded portion of the project
  • Involves at least one subject expert in planning/implementing the project
  • Takes place in Nebraska or has direct significance to Nebraska
  • Targets Nebraskans as a primary audience
  • Avoids advocacy for a particular viewpoint, free of bias, includes a balance of views
  • Public program with free or nominal fee, not a fundraiser
  • Project budget shows at least a 1:1 match between HN grant funds and cash or in-kind contributions
  • Adequate promotion and evaluation plans
  • Reasonable timeline and proportional budget
  • Special consideration for projects that reach across Nebraska or target underserved audiences


For-profit entities
Programs that bring in speakers from the Humanities Nebraska Speakers Bureau with non-substantially different programs
Projects with advocacy or partisan objectives
Direct action campaigns
Operating costs, construction, or renovation projects
Travel to professional meetings
Profit-making projects
Creative or performing arts projects not primarily illustrating humanities issues
Book publishing
Projects involving alcoholic beverages, food or entertainment for audiences
Scholarships and fellowships
Occupational training programs
Printing costs not related to the public project
Institutional planning and development projects
Museum, school, or library acquisitions
Academic credit-related projects
Research projects for solely scholarly purposes
Universities, colleges, or affiliated organizations for programs primarily designed for their students.


Visit Apply for more information.