New Bremen Foundation Grant

From New Bremen Foundation

The New Bremen Foundation aims to support local non-profit charities and organizations recognized under 501 C (3), covering a wide array of interests including arts, civic engagement, education, environment, and health and human services. Additionally, it undertakes its own projects to further contribute to these areas.

Type of Support


The grant program of the New Bremen Foundation has two main components: the Community Impact Fund and the Komminsk Family Fund. The Community Impact Fund focuses on supporting projects within the realms of arts, civic engagement, education, environment, and health and human services. The Komminsk Family Fund zeroes in on projects that have a significant effect on the environment, animal protection, green spaces, park lands, and artistic endeavors within a fifty-mile radius of New Bremen, OH. Both grants aim to enrich the community and address diverse needs across a broad spectrum of interests.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 10k


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