NHWF: Women and Girls of Color Fund Grant

From New Hampshire Women’s Foundation

The Women and Girls of Color Fund is committed to addressing the historic and persistent underinvestment in women and girls of color. Through their funding efforts, they aim to support projects led by and serving women and girls of color, recognizing their vital roles as thought leaders and problem-solvers in their communities. The Fund believes in the inseparability of gender equity from racial equity, promoting solutions that enhance racial justice and equity.

Type of Support


The Women and Girls of Color Fund provides low-barrier, fast-turnaround grants to support the initiatives of women and girls of color in New Hampshire. These grants, which can be up to $2,000, are intended to serve as seed funding for projects that build and strengthen community. The fund supports a variety of projects including but not limited to peer support, mentoring, experiential learning, advocacy, education initiatives, and art projects focused on racial equity. Women and girls of color must play a significant role in the planning and implementation of these projects, emphasizing their agency and contributions rather than their needs as service recipients. The grant cycle is quarterly, allowing organizations to apply for funding up to twice a year. A simplified application process and the requirement for a pre-application conversation ensures projects and applicants are well understood, and decisions are made quickly to facilitate immediate impact.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 2k


Visit Apply for more information.

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