Upper Connecticut River Mitigation and Enhancement Fund Grant

From New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

The mission of the funder, while not explicitly detailed, centers around the restoration, protection, and enhancement of the Connecticut River watershed upstream of the confluence of the White River and Connecticut River. This involves caring for the river, wetlands, and shore lands within this specified area, which is influenced by the broader goal of environmental preservation and restoration, particularly in relation to the impacts of hydroelectric dams.

Type of Support


The Upper Connecticut River Mitigation and Enhancement Fund aims to support projects focused on the restoration, protection, and enhancement of the river, wetlands, and shore lands within the Connecticut River watershed upstream of the confluence with the White River. This includes areas at White River Junction, VT, and West Lebanon, NH. The fund was established as a result of a settlement agreement during the federal process to relicense three hydroelectric dams at Fifteen Mile Falls near Littleton, NH, and Ryegate, VT. It offers grants of all sizes, with those requesting $10,000 or less subject to a simplified application process. This initiative reflects a commitment to environmental stewardship and the sustainable management of natural resources affected by hydroelectric projects.


Organization's Location
dolor incididunt
Program Location
labore do aliqua amet cupidatat eu eu eiusmod sint laborum
Organization Type
Quis esse aliqua commodo fugiat incididunt
Proident veniam nisi culpa consectetur adipisicing
Ut commodo aliquip et quis
  • consequat id sit est occaecat non esse consequat sunt fugiat minim eiusmod laborum veniam ea culpa voluptate id ipsum minim et officia minim exercitation aute irure minim
  • nulla est do quis consectetur non labore veniam elit anim
  • Lorem ea amet commodo dolore cillum aliquip ullamco ad qui commodo in amet id do velit veniam et sit ipsum excepteur adipisicing sunt
not specified


Step 1: sunt aliquip
Application deadline
Nov 9, 2024
Step 2: ut consequat (irure elit)