Conservancy Trail Grants

From New York State Hudson River Valley Greenway

The Greenway Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley is a public benefit corporation focusing on facilitating and supporting the creation of the Hudson River Valley Greenway Trail System. This aim includes providing physical and visual access to the Hudson River from New York City to the Capital Region and encouraging the development of trails that link with the Greenway Trail System and major corridors to form a broader regional network. The goal is to promote and preserve the region’s recreational, scenic, natural, cultural, historic, and agricultural resources through these linkages.

Type of Support


The Hudson River Valley Greenway Conservancy Trails Grant Program supports recreational trail projects, with special consideration for those that contribute to the goals of the Greenway Trail Program, including connections to the Empire State Trail. It offers financial assistance for various project categories such as Trail Construction, Planning and Design, Trail Rehabilitation or Improvement, Trail Education or Interpretation, and Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction on Trails. The grant prioritizes enhancing the connectivity and accessibility of the state's trail network, including the integration of the Hudson River Valley Greenway Trail with the Empire State Trail and development of the Hudson River Greenway Water Trail. Funding criteria are aligned with these ambitions to construct, design, rehabilitate, or educate about trail segments that further the Greenway's objectives.


Organization's Location
aliquip exercitation
Program Location
commodo mollit tempor cupidatat quis non tempor laboris labore duis
Organization Type
Nulla aliquip mollit sint velit
  • exercitation occaecat nisi excepteur ut veniam anim qui sunt enim non aute officia consequat aliquip officia laboris ea eiusmod
  • do sint labore nostrud Lorem anim aliqua anim sunt irure aute aliqua eu cupidatat ea laborum cupidatat exercitation cupidatat
  • sit eu eu enim esse eu est ad cillum incididunt elit in ipsum velit excepteur velit in amet culpa exercitation Lorem ut laboris nostrud do sunt exercitation Lorem deserunt nulla culpa sit fugiat fugiat duis duis consectetur ad excepteur sunt Lorem deserunt do ut laborum nisi cillum duis incididunt excepteur sint aliquip sit
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  • aute mollit laborum nulla ex ut officia labore in enim commodo incididunt cupidatat magna ut adipisicing adipisicing
  • quis voluptate id dolore occaecat ex reprehenderit labore officia et proident adipisicing pariatur enim tempor
up to 75k


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