Connect Kids to Parks Field Trip Grant Program

From New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

The mission of the funder is to connect New York State students with nature and history through reimbursable grants for field trips to state and federal parks, forests, historic sites, fish hatcheries, and outdoor recreation areas. This initiative aims to enrich student learning by facilitating direct interactions with the environment and historical locations.

Type of Support


The Connect-Kids-to-Parks Field Trip Grant Program (Connect Kids) aims to bridge the gap between students in New York State and the rich natural and historical resources within the state. The program offers a reimbursement of up to $80 per student, and $160 for Special Education students, for field trips to various eligible locations. This grant covers a range of reimbursable expenses, including transportation, entry fees, and equipment rentals at state-owned facilities, but does not cover food, supplies purchased by schools for the trip, lifeguard salaries, or separate chaperone costs. Grants are reimbursed post-trip, contingent on documentation of expenses and adherence to program guidelines.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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