The New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) Community Grants

From Rochester Institute Of Technology

The New York State Pollution Prevention Institute aims to foster a more sustainable New York State by providing businesses, nonprofits, municipalities, and communities with the resources and expertise necessary to realize the benefits of sustainability.

Type of Support


The Community Grants program by the NYSP2I awards funding annually to projects aimed at enhancing the health, environmental quality, and economic vitality of New York State communities. These initiatives should focus on increasing public awareness and understanding of environmental issues, leading to the adoption of sustainable practices.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Community organizations
Local government agencies
  • Based and operating in New York State
  • Includes lawfully incorporated/registered organizations focused on environmental, public health, or occupational health protection
  • Academic institutions
  • Neighborhood associations
  • Environmental justice organizations
  • Community development corporations
  • Public benefit corporations
  • Health centers
  • Local unions and labor organizations
  • Other nonprofits not required to be 501(c)(3) but must submit a W-9 form
  • Offices or departments of a city, town, county in New York State
  • Primary and secondary schools in New York State
not specified


Review Criteria

Our funding priorities are inclined towards initiatives that:

  • Engage in collaborations and partnerships with various organizations.
  • Exhibit a widespread impact on the community.
  • Serve populations and communities that are impacted by, vulnerable to, or at risk of environmental challenges.
  • Can be duplicated and adapted by other entities.
  • Are situated within Environmental Justice (EJ) communities.

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