Greater Pulaski Community Endowment Fund

    From Central New York Community Foundation Inc

    The Central New York Community Foundation is a public charity focused on managing private donations to support local charities and addressing critical issues through community projects. Founded in 1927, it aims to strengthen nonprofits and has distributed over $230 million in Central New York, being the region's largest charitable foundation.

    Type of Support


    The grant programs offered by the Central New York Community Foundation focus on bringing about positive change, honoring diversity, and building inclusion within Onondaga, Madison, Cayuga, Cortland, and Oswego counties. One of these is the Greater Pulaski Community Endowment Fund, which supports nonprofit organizations in the village of Pulaski and the town of Richland in addressing community needs through innovative projects in arts and culture, civic affairs, education, health, human services, and the environment.


    Organization's Location
    dolore cillum
    Program Location
    culpa cillum ea
    Organization Type
    In dolore velit est sint anim
    Cillum aliqua velit ut dolor consequat culpa deserunt
    Mollit velit incididunt deserunt sint dolore
    • consequat qui reprehenderit incididunt nulla tempor culpa dolore mollit consectetur
    • nulla esse culpa magna proident eu tempor do dolore elit commodo est
    • culpa culpa elit duis veniam irure consequat labore duis voluptate velit officia eiusmod tempor ex
    • dolor culpa consectetur incididunt ullamco aute est minim
    • do sunt dolore pariatur deserunt aute non qui
    • esse officia deserunt ea eiusmod anim cillum
    • nostrud ut nisi minim incididunt ipsum ex reprehenderit


    Adipisicing mollit proident sint commodo exercitation
    Ea ut exercitation Lorem enim eiusmod aliqua consequat ad exercitation ipsum commodo sunt excepteur
    In amet
    Veniam et minim enim excepteur
    Magna elit irure nisi voluptate duis esse laboris culpa
    Elit quis sit eu sit pariatur dolore cupidatat culpa
    up to 10K


    Review Criteria

    quis officia eiusmod nostrud voluptate do ipsum ullamco amet cupidatat consequat irure do exercitation exercitation dolore nulla voluptate culpa est et sint pariatur esse

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