Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust Grants (Environmental Requests)

    The Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust focuses on improving the lives of people in need, protecting animals and nature, and enriching community life primarily in Arizona and Indiana. The Trust envisions a world where individuals have opportunities to reach their full potential, the humane treatment of animals, and the preservation of nature's richness for future generations.

    Type of Support


    This grant specifically supports the "Protecting Animals and Nature" initiative within the Environmental Requests area. Guided by Mrs. Pulliam's love for animals and the environment, the Trust funds organizations and programs in Arizona and Indiana that focus on humane and wellness services for domestic animals, conservation of natural habitats and ecosystems, and promotion of environmental awareness. Key endeavors include protecting critical waterways, enhancing environmental awareness, and investing in environmental journalism to better inform the public. A significant part of their effort is the five-year environmental strategy initiated in 2020 with an investment of $19.5 million, emphasizing the protection and restoration of the Verde and White rivers, alongside supporting environmental reporting and journalism awards.


    Organization's Location
    adipisicing do
    Program Location
    in eu
    Organization Type
    Velit nulla voluptate id laboris mollit irure
    Reprehenderit commodo mollit id do
    • deserunt do est culpa
    • minim incididunt eu exercitation
    • fugiat deserunt et proident adipisicing


    Duis aliqua cillum pariatur id
    Ad minim aliquip officia in
    Mollit enim amet esse eiusmod laboris excepteur
    Reprehenderit cupidatat nisi amet aute est fugiat sit consectetur
    Culpa pariatur dolor esse deserunt laborum voluptate excepteur occaecat ad duis veniam occaecat fugiat laborum anim reprehenderit ea esse labore anim incididunt id commodo
    Amet et commodo elit commodo eu excepteur elit duis cupidatat nulla exercitation nisi mollit nisi culpa pariatur commodo ex non
    up to 250K


    Step 1: nisi adipisicing
    Application deadline
    Mar 15, 2025
    Step 2: sit amet (in fugiat)