Best Paper, Student Paper Awards in Geography & Entrepreneurship

    From American Association of Geographers (AAG)

    AAG is dedicated to advocating for a better future within the field of geography and provides tools to elevate the voices in the discipline and beyond.

    Type of Support


    The grant program sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and administered by the AAG offers two annual awards aimed at encouraging research at the intersection of geography and entrepreneurship. The program seeks to identify research that has practical implications, particularly research that addresses pressing environmental, economic, and social issues. The awards are targeted towards students, practitioners, and faculty members who are the sole or primary authors of their papers. There are specific awards for the Best Paper and the Best Student Paper, with both awards offering a monetary prize of $1,500 and additional benefits including complimentary registration to the AAG annual meeting and an opportunity to present their research. The emphasis is on innovative research relevant to entrepreneurs and their firms as well as to practitioners and policymakers.


    Organization's Location
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