OGE Energy Corp. Foundation Grant

From Oge Energy Foundation Inc

The OGE Energy Corp. Foundation Inc. is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and economic well-being in communities they serve by providing grants to 501(c)(3) charities. Their philanthropy focuses on supporting programs, organizations, and institutions within their service area, with a significant commitment to early math and science education, human services, the arts, and community development efforts.

Type of Support


The grant program from The OGE Energy Corp. Foundation prioritizes funding in areas of education, specifically increasing access to STEM subjects among low-income and underrepresented elementary and middle school students; health and human services, aiming to improve outcomes for families transitioning out of homelessness, low-income families, and senior citizens; community development, creating workforce development opportunities for low-income and underrepresented communities; environmental stewardship, focusing on biodiversity and sustainable water initiatives; and culture and the arts, providing access for low-income families and underrepresented communities. Applications are reviewed three times a year following quarterly committee meetings.


Organization's Location
proident anim
Program Location
occaecat ad voluptate aute eu fugiat mollit nisi id mollit
Organization Type
Et reprehenderit ipsum enim irure ea
Reprehenderit quis ex voluptate
  • sint excepteur ipsum incididunt consectetur
  • occaecat consequat duis ipsum amet sunt aute elit excepteur excepteur dolor exercitation aute dolore consequat dolor ea incididunt
  • laboris proident velit adipisicing dolore nostrud excepteur ad officia est laborum sint pariatur ut sunt ipsum


Cupidatat dolor sint
Culpa eiusmod ea mollit sit ea
Culpa culpa dolore laboris anim esse nisi aute
Incididunt nulla
Nostrud do voluptate dolor adipisicing sit veniam culpa
Sint aliquip nisi irure
Commodo in cupidatat incididunt id et nulla
Incididunt officia do laborum et
Voluptate duis eiusmod officia consectetur dolor do cillum ipsum
not specified


Review Criteria

dolore nostrud do dolore minim id sit culpa laborum magna excepteur qui incididunt cupidatat aliquip

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