Oleson Foundation Grant

    The Oleson Foundation, established by Gerald and Frances Oleson in 1962, aims to perform good works in Northwestern Lower Michigan. It supports charitable, religious, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, directly or indirectly, by using its assets and income, accepting contributions from any individual or organization.

    Type of Support


    The grant offered by the Oleson Foundation focuses on promoting sustainable, collaborative projects and programs that enhance the quality of life for residents in the area. Its funding priorities reflect the founders' desires to empower communities and provide the greatest good for many. The foundation supports various program areas, including:

    1. Art - Access to diverse artistic opportunities, particularly for youth, ensuring the flourishing of cultural events and activities in Northern Michigan.
    2. Education - Enhancement of educational quality and encouragement of regional prioritization of education through community action.
    3. Environment - Protection and stewardship of natural resources, focusing on critical areas like watersheds, wetlands, farmland, forests, and the Great Lakes.
    4. Community Development - Support for recreational, cultural, and special projects that help communities thrive while respecting natural resources.
    5. Health & Human Services - Assistance for those in need and ensuring accessible, high-quality healthcare for all communities.

    These areas are broad yet reflect a focused intent on improving life, environment, and community well-being in Northwestern Lower Michigan.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Visit Apply for more information.

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