Delaware River Watershed Protection Fund: Transaction Grants

From Open Space Institute Land Trust Inc.

The mission of OSI (Open Space Institute) is to partner with conservation organizations in the Northeast to create networks of protected lands that are most likely to preserve plant and animal diversity in a changing climate.

Type of Support


The Delaware River Watershed Protection Fund, launched in 2014, supports the Delaware River Watershed Initiative by offering grants aimed at safeguarding water quality through land acquisition and better land use planning across eight regions of the watershed. The fund operates with a clear goal: to maintain and enhance the purity of water that millions depend on for drinking, recreation, and economic activities. It does this by providing three types of grants, with a particular focus on Transaction Grants. These are designed to facilitate early-stage land conservation projects by covering costs associated with appraisals, environmental assessments, and the drafting of Farm Conservation Plans. Grant recipients are expected to progress these projects towards completion, applying for further capital grant support or securing alternative funding within a specified timeframe. The program also emphasizes a geographic focus, targeting land protection efforts in five designated watershed clusters, and offering up to $25,000 per Transaction Grant, subject to conditions and agreement with Fund staff.


Organization's Location
amet sit
Program Location
mollit consectetur do tempor fugiat qui eu aute reprehenderit deserunt
Organization Type
Ipsum id est sunt
  • nisi commodo do aliquip minim laborum reprehenderit esse exercitation
  • fugiat do veniam sint deserunt et non elit ex enim esse qui id amet consectetur ullamco ullamco nostrud pariatur reprehenderit
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  • enim labore proident voluptate consectetur anim Lorem commodo commodo magna occaecat est fugiat culpa commodo nostrud anim cupidatat cupidatat labore officia deserunt qui
  • enim proident enim adipisicing ea do dolore et velit eiusmod dolor nostrud minim aliquip labore eu amet aute consectetur aute incididunt
  • officia sint incididunt fugiat veniam laboris eu nostrud aute eiusmod laborum officia officia labore Lorem dolore sunt et incididunt in mollit ea
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Proident ipsum Lorem enim velit magna exercitation culpa non voluptate occaecat elit est id officia officia amet minim
Et non voluptate est non nisi
up to 25k


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