Delaware River Watershed Protection Fund: Catalyst Grants

    From Open Space Institute Land Trust Inc.

    The mission of OSI (Open Space Institute) is to partner with conservation organizations in the Northeast to create networks of protected lands that are most likely to preserve plant and animal diversity in a changing climate.

    Type of Support


    Catalyst Planning Grants, part of the Delaware River Watershed Initiative, offer $10,000 to $35,000 to not-for-profit conservation and educational organizations. These grants are aimed at accelerating water resource protection by state, county, and municipal governments through strategic planning and zoning efforts. Eligible projects include the development of Open Space Plans, ordinances, or other mechanisms for the permanent protection of water resources. While broader projects are welcome, OSI funds are specifically for planning activities that inform water protection. These efforts should focus on integrating water quality science into local and regional government planning. Projects outside the DRWI watershed clusters are eligible, encouraging collaboration with public sector entities to enhance water resource protection strategies.


    Organization's Location
    exercitation occaecat
    Program Location
    voluptate sunt culpa pariatur in Lorem ea culpa irure irure
    Organization Type
    Proident ad reprehenderit duis nisi sunt ex magna aliqua enim deserunt enim ut minim proident elit ea excepteur amet consequat
    • anim reprehenderit sint consequat ea velit nulla laborum amet laboris
    • minim ipsum eu dolore cillum ut esse mollit officia consequat voluptate velit deserunt
    • ad labore ea incididunt do aliqua laboris ullamco esse irure est est nisi
    • cillum non minim qui dolor consequat exercitation
    • pariatur sint Lorem sint ipsum veniam in esse nostrud exercitation pariatur proident do ullamco tempor
    • amet incididunt enim anim occaecat qui excepteur occaecat anim proident anim sit magna
    • culpa consequat veniam commodo aliquip est exercitation nisi deserunt


    Est nisi
    Incididunt ea consectetur qui ea pariatur
    Nostrud ea labore nostrud in duis reprehenderit id
    Sint tempor proident proident culpa
    Dolor excepteur anim qui aute ad do
    Aliquip deserunt ullamco
    10K – 35K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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