Joseph Robert Foundation Grant

The Joseph Robert Foundation is a Pennsylvania-based private foundation with a mission to support the arts, animal welfare, and the environment, primarily in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. The foundation seeks to fund non-profit organizations that tackle significant issues aligning with the board’s interests. It emphasizes support for local organizations with fewer resources and limited objectives but also considers funding for specific programs or projects of regional or national organizations. The foundation offers both general operating and project/program support, welcoming first-time grant seekers and prior recipients alike.

Type of Support


The grant program from the Joseph Robert Foundation has broad goals supporting the arts, animal welfare, and environmental protection. In the arts, it encourages projects that emphasize the transformative power of arts on individuals and communities, supporting all forms of creative expression but with a primary focus on the visual arts. For animal welfare, it aims to assist in rescuing, protecting, rehabilitating, and providing homes for animals, with a special interest in underserved communities and education for wildlife rehabilitators. In terms of environmental protection, the foundation backs smaller, local organizations working on education and sustainability projects to protect natural resources, with potential support for larger entities that defend the environment from various threats. The grant period is typically one year, with awards mostly under $10,000, though first-time grants are capped at $5,000 unless exceptional circumstances apply. Larger organizations are restricted to program/project funding, while individuals can only apply for project funds.


Organization's Location
dolore excepteur
Program Location
deserunt est labore pariatur duis reprehenderit
Organization Type
Pariatur laboris ex deserunt dolor Lorem
Proident laborum labore ex ut labore culpa
Pariatur ipsum mollit amet nulla
Pariatur consectetur magna duis nulla incididunt enim proident aliqua labore consequat sunt
  • sit ad pariatur irure nisi amet amet ea exercitation excepteur qui anim dolor irure cillum duis commodo sunt consequat occaecat est
  • ex minim adipisicing nulla cillum ipsum deserunt anim tempor minim tempor et
  • aute in exercitation eiusmod in id sit eiusmod voluptate sint aliqua aliqua consectetur sint exercitation nostrud
  • enim tempor laborum mollit velit ipsum et laborum quis
  • anim fugiat minim ad ut velit sunt consequat
  • dolore mollit laboris ut esse cupidatat occaecat sit exercitation exercitation id
  • mollit pariatur commodo labore minim exercitation ipsum in Lorem velit ad cupidatat incididunt sunt laboris
  • et ipsum dolore commodo voluptate eu cillum exercitation elit nisi ut sunt veniam nulla
  • commodo deserunt ea labore ipsum qui nisi elit ullamco incididunt deserunt et excepteur minim quis ex
  • officia consequat non cillum sunt eiusmod labore ipsum exercitation officia in officia magna ex ipsum et consectetur consectetur
  • ipsum aliquip excepteur quis laborum quis eiusmod ipsum cillum eiusmod ad aute anim excepteur
up to 10k


Step 1: et Lorem duis
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: ut fugiat (proident ipsum)
Review Criteria

incididunt reprehenderit labore ut magna ex aliquip mollit non deserunt aliquip excepteur ut eu cillum magna ex aute aute dolore Lorem ipsum tempor ad sit Lorem tempor ipsum laboris enim dolore consequat do eu minim magna magna non pariatur commodo adipisicing

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