Rapid Ocean Conservation (ROC) Grant

The Waitt Foundation aims to support sustainable fishing and marine protected areas (MPAs) through funding projects that contribute to the wellbeing of the ocean's ecosystem. The foundation seeks to address urgent and emerging conservation issues by enabling innovative solutions, supporting groundbreaking scientific research, and fostering community engagement in marine conservation.

Type of Support


The Rapid Ocean Conservation (ROC) Grants Program, offered by the Waitt Foundation, is designed to provide swift financial assistance for initiatives that address new or urgent conservation needs. This program stands out by offering small grants that are quickly disbursed to support projects at a lower financial risk. It prioritizes engaging with small, local NGOs across the globe and encourages the development of high-risk, innovative ideas within the realm of marine conservation. The grants focus on four main areas:

  1. Scientific Research, including both natural and social science projects aimed at gathering crucial data before significant interventions or in the aftermath of disasters.
  2. Policy, facilitating opportunistic projects that influence public policy during critical decision-making periods, such as providing analytical support or facilitating expert engagement with policymakers.
  3. Management, supporting the immediate needs for enforcement and infrastructure, including funding for increased enforcement capacity or training for personnel to manage new regulations effectively.
  4. Communications, aimed at raising public awareness and stakeholder engagement on ocean conservation issues, including funding for public relations campaigns or programs to train local communities in scientific monitoring and enforcement reporting.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
Federal non-profit agency
  • Must have a U.S. tax identification number (for US applicants)
  • Located in the United States or internationally
  • Must provide documentation of non-profit status or equivalent for international applicants
  • Projects must support sustainable fishing and/or Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
  • Applicants should demonstrate relevant experience and expertise
  • Must have affiliation with an academic institution or NGO for the project duration
  • ROC grants should be the primary source of funding
  • Grant funds must be used within 1 month of receipt and fully spent within 6 months


For-profit organizations
Capital campaigns
Conferences / Meetings / Workshops
Lobbying of any kind
Indirect costs/administrative fees
up to 20k


Visit Apply for more information.