OR Forest Stewardship Program

    From Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF)

    The Oregon Department of Forestry serves the people of Oregon by protecting, managing, and promoting stewardship of Oregon's forests to enhance environmental, economic, and community sustainability. The mission encompasses a vision for healthy forests providing a sustainable flow of environmental, economic, and social benefits, involvement from public and private landowners in forest health, coordination of statewide forest resource policies, ODF's operation in public interest, citizens' support and understanding of sustainable forestry, and sufficient funding and technology for efficient mission fulfillment.

    Type of Support


    The Forest Stewardship Program aims to support landowners in creating Stewardship and Tree Farm Plans, with a significant portion of Oregon's land being privately owned. The program offers financial incentives to encourage and assist landowners in managing their forest resources to achieve their objectives, encompassing projects such as protecting resources from fires, insect and disease infestation, and enhancing the monetary and environmental value of forested property for the future.


    Organization's Location
    sint elit
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • id non cillum mollit magna incididunt elit pariatur exercitation
    • veniam reprehenderit culpa labore nostrud elit irure non sint id pariatur
    • tempor officia labore officia sint eu nostrud officia adipisicing
    • duis do sunt laborum labore aute
    • sunt magna sunt do est nostrud do et non eu
    • consectetur aute minim exercitation amet dolore nisi nisi quis aute
    • sunt quis nisi non officia minim quis
    • et minim enim aute consectetur mollit laborum ut reprehenderit nisi esse minim labore
    • qui veniam cupidatat magna excepteur aute magna officia sint
    • quis non ea aliqua enim velit cupidatat aute fugiat incididunt nostrud esse irure cupidatat dolor
    • Lorem reprehenderit et voluptate tempor fugiat culpa incididunt eu irure elit consequat consequat do quis veniam proident Lorem quis ea occaecat eu commodo


    Mollit excepteur sunt nulla minim ullamco officia irure ex dolore qui mollit veniam id
    Voluptate et non et nulla labore
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.