Forest And Freshwater Habitat Preservation- Environment Grant Program

The Jubitz Family Foundation is dedicated to protecting and restoring the natural forests and freshwater habitats in and around the Mount Hood region. With deep roots in Hood River and Portland, our mission is influenced by our familial history and the tradition of maintaining a healthy natural environment for future generations.

Type of Support


The Jubitz Family Foundation's grant program focuses on environmental restoration and advocacy efforts aimed at protecting and restoring native ecosystems within the Mount Hood National Forest region and its neighboring communities. The program has a deep connection to the area, highlighting the importance of preserving its freshwater and forest ecosystems. The foundation supports creative solutions to environmental challenges, aiming for resilient river and forest ecosystems that ensure the production of cool, clean streams and vibrant older forests. Their measurable objectives include preventing the harvesting of old growth forests, doubling the protected forestland, stabilizing and supporting fish populations, and preserving cool, clean drinking water for local communities.


Organization's Location
quis ad
Program Location
Organization Type
Nisi anim quis cillum deserunt sit
  • officia mollit est nisi
  • exercitation tempor ipsum adipisicing sit deserunt ad fugiat non aliqua
  • nostrud duis excepteur eiusmod cupidatat nulla ex proident adipisicing ipsum eu quis nulla enim quis fugiat
  • irure commodo cillum duis ea aliqua fugiat culpa enim
  • enim ut occaecat laborum laborum adipisicing dolor amet voluptate aliqua cupidatat in magna consequat enim qui ad amet fugiat quis aliqua laboris non consequat dolore velit


Veniam adipisicing velit dolor ad duis occaecat amet labore culpa
Non eiusmod commodo proident
Pariatur consectetur duis commodo
Eiusmod culpa
Sit tempor incididunt non
Nisi dolor sunt cupidatat sit dolor
5k – 25k


Step 1: reprehenderit ad sunt
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: est amet (exercitation velit)

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