Conservation and Science Program:Ocean Initiative Grants

The mission of the Packard Foundation is to provide the nation's most promising early-career scientists and engineers with the freedom and funding to explore new frontiers in their fields. This effort reflects David Packard's recognition of the importance of robust university-based science and engineering programs, rooted in his understanding of the crucial role these disciplines played in the success of the Hewlett-Packard Company.

Type of Support


The Ocean Initiative grant program seeks to protect and restore marine biodiversity, achieve equitable and sustainable fisheries, end illegal fishing, and harness ocean-based climate solutions. It supports the leadership of Indigenous, coastal, and small-scale fishing communities, especially in Chile, China, the U.S., and Indonesia, to develop and implement solutions for managing ocean resources. The program aims to scale these solutions regionally and globally to benefit both the ocean and the people who depend on it, focusing on developing and implementing solutions for marine biodiversity, sustainable fisheries, ending illegal fishing and worker rights abuses, and ocean-based climate solutions.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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not specified


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