Oregon Trail Community Foundation Grant

    From Oregon Trail Community Foundation

    The Oregon Trail Community Foundation is dedicated to serving the citizens of western Nebraska and Goshen and Platte Counties in eastern Wyoming. It aims to benefit the community through grants, scholarships, and other services funded by donations, memberships, bequests, trusts, and other financial means, facilitating contributions to the betterment of the community.

    Type of Support


    The grant program of the Oregon Trail Community Foundation is focused on supporting various needs of the community via financial assistance. These grants are aimed at not-for-profit organizations and individuals, supporting a broad range of causes that contribute to the improvement and development of the local community. The foundation strives to make impactful contributions through its funding opportunities, thereby enhancing the overall wellbeing of the regions it serves.


    Organization's Location
    voluptate minim
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Visit Apply for more information.