Community Arts Grants

From Oshkosh Area Community Foundation

The Oshkosh Area Community Foundation is dedicated to building community well-being through funding and support focused on enabling nonprofits to adapt and thrive amidst changing ecosystems. This is achieved by maximizing their ability to accomplish their missions effectively through building resilience and capacity.

Type of Support


The primary goal is to support the creation and presentation of arts within the community. The grant program is open to a wide range of artistic disciplines and media, with eligible activities including theater productions and educational programming, exhibitions or community arts events by museums or galleries, dance, music, or theater performances by performing arts organizations, arts-based community celebrations, festivals, or concerts by nonprofit groups, annual art film and video festivals offered by university departments, and series of poetry readings or book festivals by literary organizations. This wide-reaching grant initiative aims to support various forms of arts and cultural activities that contribute to community development and engagement.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 5k


Visit Apply for more information.