Prescott Foundation Grants

Our mission is to build a better community through charitable giving.

Type of Support


The Prescott Foundation provides grants supporting programs, projects, and organizations that enrich life in the Prescott community. This includes community development, education, recreation, arts and culture, environmental projects, youth programs, and community services. Grant requests are reviewed quarterly.


Organization's Location
Program Location
WI (Pierce County)
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Government units or public agencies
Other nonprofit organizations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Located in the greater Prescott area


Groups ineligible to apply for a grant include: Organizations seeking funding for routine operating expenses
Organizations planning to use grants for fundraising drives, events, campaigns, social events, or goodwill advertising
Organizations looking to fund endowments, debt retirement, or re-granting by another organization
Organizations involved in lobbying, political or religious causes or organizations.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.