OCCF: Community Investment Grant

From Owen County Community Foundation

The mission of the Community Foundation is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Owen County, now and for the generations to come. Through their Community Investment Grants, they aim to address diverse and responsive funds to support a vibrant and strong community in Owen County.

Type of Support


Community Investment Grants focus on broad goals of supporting a vibrant and strong Owen County community by funding projects with lasting value and addressing community needs. The specific areas supported by this grant include education, nonprofit capacity building, youth philanthropy, human services, the MYPath Trail System, and efforts to attract and retain the "rising generations" (25–40-year-olds), which may also encompass quality of place, arts & culture, trails & parks, etc. Additionally, initiatives related to community wellness, culture, economic development, transportation, agriculture, natural resources, broadband access, historic & archaeological resources, hazard mitigation, innovation & entrepreneurship, and quality of place may be considered. The foundation’s priorities are informed by its 2022-2026 Strategic Plan and may evolve annually based on shifting community needs.


Organization's Location
voluptate elit
Program Location
laborum et nulla
Organization Type
Labore amet
Velit Lorem
Dolore elit
  • nulla incididunt sint consequat exercitation in labore
1k – 5k


Visit Apply for more information.