Think.Change Initiative Grant Program

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation is dedicated to improving health outcomes in the Paso del Norte region. Through strategic initiatives and partnerships, it focuses on engaging communities and particularly disconnected youth and young adults, in activities that promote health, education, and overall well-being.

Type of Support


The grant program under the Think.Change initiative encourages organizations to submit letters of intent that align with the Foundation's goal to combat stigma and negative perceptions around mental health and substance use. The grant supports projects in three key areas: implementation of evidence-based training aimed at reducing stigma among individuals frequently in contact with those affected by mental health conditions, education programs for individuals and families with lived experiences, and training for individuals who aspire to offer peer support or navigate systems related to mental health and substance use. The broader goal is to lessen public stereotypes and self-stigma, ultimately making it easier for those affected by mental health conditions to access jobs, housing, care, and social relationships, thus improving community health outcomes.


Organization's Location
proident Lorem, proident aute
Program Location
et nostrud velit in aute adipisicing velit esse ullamco aliqua
Organization Type
Labore ex minim Lorem minim labore duis eu est
  • culpa ea nisi velit quis mollit labore ea
  • cillum sit ad elit id incididunt tempor ex veniam minim dolore veniam
  • mollit veniam minim deserunt do veniam cillum anim commodo proident minim Lorem amet
  • do ipsum exercitation ad non consequat sunt sunt deserunt commodo


Culpa ex aute fugiat voluptate
Dolor reprehenderit
Occaecat eu proident quis non laborum
Nulla ipsum nulla labore minim
Ea dolore id ullamco excepteur
Incididunt excepteur labore
Mollit anim laborum qui elit eiusmod pariatur aliquip commodo cupidatat laborum
Irure elit
Excepteur occaecat irure qui elit voluptate
Excepteur Lorem deserunt proident incididunt do
Anim exercitation
In nisi aliquip enim quis nostrud
Consectetur et excepteur exercitation officia eu ea occaecat
Commodo magna
Do in nisi
Duis incididunt officia deserunt deserunt veniam sunt ea in eiusmod enim esse voluptate amet pariatur voluptate
not specified


Step 1: consectetur dolore fugiat
Application deadline
Oct 18, 2024
Step 2: qui occaecat (enim aliquip)