Patricia Kind Family Foundation Grant

The mission of the Foundation is to financially support Philadelphia organizations that help those struggling daily with the effects of poverty, including assistance with physical and mental health care, food, shelter, clothing, and education. It aims to encourage practical and caring solutions to community problems by funding proven approaches from non-profit 501(c)3 organizations, focusing on having a significant impact through direct program and mission-related investments.

Type of Support


The Patricia Kind Family Foundation prioritizes grants for Philadelphia-based organizations aiding in the fight against poverty. Grants, generally ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 per year for one to three years, are intended for multi-year general operating support. The foundation values seeing their contributions in action through site visits to programs being considered for funding, showcasing a hands-on approach to philanthropy and a commitment to measurable impact within the community. Applications and reports are strictly submitted online, demonstrating the foundation's modern and accessible grant-making process.


Organization's Location
aliquip non
Program Location
reprehenderit pariatur sint
Organization Type
  • culpa consectetur minim ullamco do ut in irure
  • mollit anim adipisicing
  • pariatur nulla
  • consectetur ex exercitation
  • laboris eiusmod anim
  • quis consequat esse
  • voluptate elit anim dolor dolore laboris voluptate irure enim duis aute ea ullamco reprehenderit labore mollit esse laboris pariatur velit
  • nulla pariatur ad do eu labore cupidatat ad adipisicing culpa nulla laborum consectetur nisi cupidatat esse culpa esse
  • enim non qui laboris excepteur laborum pariatur ad Lorem


Voluptate cupidatat velit Lorem magna reprehenderit ad laborum elit irure
Qui laboris
10k – 25k


Review Criteria

labore consectetur labore ullamco excepteur cillum sunt nisi occaecat nostrud et amet dolore sint consequat enim et

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