Peter Kiewit Foundation Grant

    Peter Kiewit Foundation supports strategic initiatives within Omaha metro area and Nebraska, along with certain regions in Western Iowa. It focuses on creating impact through specific areas including education, economic development, community improvement, and addresses emerging community-wide issues.

    Type of Support


    The foundation grants support encompasses a broad spectrum including:

    • College Access and Success: Enhancing readiness, access, and success in post-secondary education through various programs and scholarships.
    • Youth Development: Increasing the quality and reach of out-of-school time programs and STEM learning opportunities for K-12 students.
    • Economic Development and Opportunities: Aiming at urban core strengthening, revitalization of distressed communities, and enhancing economic opportunity through support for small businesses, workforce development, and financial literacy.
    • Quality of Place Amenities: Improving access to civic, arts, cultural, and recreational amenities through capital projects and innovative programs.
    • Community Capacity in Greater Nebraska: Supporting community-wide planning efforts and building the capacity of community leaders.

    The foundation considers proposals closely aligned with these strategic impact areas, funding general operations, programs, and capital projects, on a matching funds basis.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Magna velit
    Magna ipsum tempor
    Nisi occaecat enim
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.

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