The mission of the funder, presumably the Pittsburgh Foundation based on the context, is focused on supporting nonprofit organizations by facilitating general operating funding to cover critical needs such as staffing and utilities. This support helps these organizations to effectively carry out their missions, emphasizing the Foundation's role in bolstering the operational capabilities of nonprofits in its community.
The grant program highlighted is dedicated to organizations providing direct care and assistance to individuals suffering from serious health conditions such as Alzheimer's, AIDS, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, among others. Established by The Robert N. Kohman Trust for Medical Assistance and Research Field of Interest Fund at The Pittsburgh Foundation in 2003, this initiative seeks to allocate $500,000 to support projects with grant requests ranging from $25,000 to $75,000. Larger and multi-year funding requests may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, emphasizing the foundation's commitment to addressing critical health needs within the community.
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