Rainforest Trust works to fund and facilitate the creation and expansion of protected or conserved areas globally to save endangered wildlife, protect ecosystems, and combat climate change. Their mission focuses on preserving critical rainforest areas and the biodiversity within them.
The Rainforest Trust Feasibility Awards aim to support the initial stages of assessing the potential for creating or expanding protected or conserved areas. These awards principally focus on filling specific information gaps necessary for the development of conservation projects. They are designed as precursors to applying for larger Protected or Conserved Area Creation Awards. Specifically, the grants may cover activities such as developing legal pathways for protection, conducting field surveys to identify Critically Endangered or Endangered species, evaluating land tenure, investigating legal frameworks for protection designation, negotiating land prices for privately owned areas, and assessing local and government interest in conservation efforts. Projects should primarily aim at the creation or expansion of unprotected areas to protect significant populations of endangered species, large areas of high-integrity forests, and habitats critical for mitigating climate change. All projects must demonstrate government and community support, including Indigenous Peoples, and ensure plans for sustainable management and conservation. The average award size is around $10,000, with possible consideration for greater amounts in exceptional circumstances.
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