The Ramsey McCluskey Family Foundation, established by Meg Ramsey in 1999, is dedicated to supporting projects in arts education and general education. Its mission focuses on enhancing pre-school through high school education, with a particular interest in hands-on arts education and projects that engage and excite students about learning.
The Foundation aims to finance projects within two key interest areas: Arts Education and General Education, from pre-school through high school. While arts education projects are a priority, with attention to hands-on involvement, the foundation specifies it does not support performing arts events due to budget constraints. In general education, the interest lies in innovative approaches to spark excitement and engagement in learning. Financially, the Foundation operates on an annual grant-making budget of around $250,000, distributing funds across 18-25 Single-Year Grants, 3-4 Scholarship Fund Grants, and 4 Trilogy Grants. Trilogy Grants, specifically, are three-year commitments totaling $25,000, aimed at organizations that have established a track record with the Foundation through receiving at least three Single-Year grants. These are designed to provide sustained support and require grantees to engage in yearly feedback and observe a "rest year" after completion.