Civic Engagement Microgrants Initiative Grant

From Research!America

The funder aims to build trust in science among local communities and policymakers through public engagement. They underscore the importance of scientists informing elected officials and the public about their research and its societal impact. They highlight that civic engagement is crucial for scientists to contribute to democracy and influence community and national issues. The mission stresses the dependency of scientific research on taxpayer funding, advocating for effective communication about science's value to secure its status as a national priority.

Type of Support


The grant focuses on the Civic Engagement Microgrant Initiative targeting early-career researchers. It is designed to support the development of policy and communication skills and to foster engagement with communities, leaders, and government officials. The program is interdisciplinary, encouraging contributions from a wide array of STEM fields including psychology, sociology, anthropology, physical sciences, biological sciences, biomedical sciences, computer science, engineering, economics, math, and medicine. The initiative offers microgrants in several categories: Startup Funding for new science policy groups, Design Your Own Community Event for creating interactive events to unite scientists and communities, and Digital Media to produce content that promotes science policy and civic engagement. Each category has a specified maximum funding amount to support these endeavors.


Organization's Location
culpa commodo
Program Location
Organization Type
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