Resist Grants

From Resist.

Resist's mission focuses on supporting groups engaged in the work of justice, liberation, and resistance against systemic oppression. They fund organizations that organize within communities for structural social and economic changes. Resist is dedicated to fostering movements that confront white and Christian supremacy, capitalism, gender and sexual oppression, and all forms of patriarchy, prioritizing leadership by those most affected by structural oppression.

Type of Support


For the 2024 grant cycle, Resist offers several types of grants exclusively to current or returning grantees who align with their mission of fostering social justice and systemic change. Applicants must demonstrate that their work is part of a larger social justice ecosystem, adopts an intersectional analysis, actively opposes various forms of oppression, and is led by individuals directly impacted by systemic inequalities. Eligible groups may receive:

  • General Support Grants: Up to $4,000 for groups engaged in grassroots or cultural organizing, art-making, and resilience building efforts that contribute to movement building for justice and liberation.

  • Multi-year Grants: Specifically for current grantees that have been fully funded twice in the previous five years, providing three years of funding at $4,000 per year to support ongoing projects.

  • Accessibility Grants: Up to $4,000 to enhance project/event accessibility for community members with specific needs, ensuring broader participation in the justice and liberation movement.

Grant decisions are made by a panel of previously funded Resist grantees based on the strength of the overall application, and funds can be used according to the group’s needs. Each group is eligible for funding once per 12-month period, with no limit to the number of times a grantee can receive funds over the years.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
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Visit Apply for more information.