National Estuary Program Watersheds Grant Program

From Restore America’s Estuaries

Restore America's Estuaries, in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), aims to protect and restore the nation's estuary regions by funding projects that preserve key habitats, enhance coastal resilience, mitigate the impacts of nutrients and stormwater runoff, address harmful algae blooms, and manage species invasion. Their mission centers on the conservation and rehabilitation of estuarine ecosystems through collaborative efforts, targeting areas within the National Estuaries Program (NEP) boundaries to ensure the health and sustainability of these crucial natural environments.

Type of Support


The National Estuaries Program (NEP) Watersheds Grants, administered by Restore America’s Estuaries with support from the EPA, focuses on funding projects within NEP boundary areas. This grant program embraces several Congressionally-set priorities aimed at addressing critical environmental and ecological challenges. These priorities include the restoration and protection of vital habitats like seagrass, mangroves, and coral reefs; bolstering coastal resilience against extreme weather events and sea-level rise; tackling the adverse effects of nutrients and warmer water temperatures on aquatic life; reducing stormwater runoff that carries pollutants into estuaries; combating recurring harmful algae blooms; addressing unusual marine mammal deaths; and managing invasive species that harm ecosystems or restrict recreational use. This grant program epitomizes a concerted effort to sustain and improve the health of estuarine ecosystems across the United States.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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200k – 500k


Step 1: pariatur magna esse
Application deadline
Dec 18, 2024
Step 2: eiusmod quis (incididunt esse)
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