The Rhode Island Foundation seeks to address the health and healthcare needs of Rhode Islanders by managing and distributing funds from generous donors. These funds are designated for specific medical conditions, aiming to support nonprofit organizations working within these areas to improve health outcomes and address health inequities and disparities across the state.
The Program for the Blind focuses on providing grants to nonprofit organizations dedicated to serving those with blindness or visual impairments. The grant supports a range of initiatives including vision research (notably on conditions like macular degeneration), services like guide dogs, and activities such as summer camps specifically designed for children with low vision or blindness. It operates under a two-cycle application system: one for summer camps and programs with a spring deadline, and another for research and support services with a fall deadline. This structure emphasizes the Foundation's broad goal of comprehensive support for the visually impaired, covering both immediate quality-of-life improvements and long-term research endeavors.
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