Kleberg Foundation: Wildlife, Conservation, and Animal Science Grant

    From Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation

    The Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation focuses on advancing the legacy of its founders through significant philanthropic efforts, having allocated $290.9 million in grants to various causes. The Foundation emphasizes impactful investments in wildlife conservation, animal science, and related areas that further understanding and preservation efforts, primarily in South Texas. While the mission statement specifics are not detailed, the Foundation's historical giving patterns suggest a commitment to supporting research, habitat restoration, animal health, and maintaining ecosystems.

    Type of Support


    The Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation grant program aims to support organizations and projects that align with Bob and Helen Kleberg's vision of wildlife conservation, habitat restoration, and advancements in animal science. The program has a strong interest in projects that:

    • Conduct applied research filling critical knowledge gaps for wildlife conservation.
    • Support habitat restoration that benefits native wildlife, with a special focus on South Texas.
    • Investigate the stopover habitats of migratory birds and the conditions of endangered or sensitive species native to the South Texas area.
    • Address potential threats to wildlife or their habitats in South Texas, including habitat restoration and protection efforts, and preserving culturally significant natural heritage.
    • Advance studies in animal science, especially those related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases in cattle and horses, as well as research into animal genomes and genetic mechanisms that can improve animal or human health.

    The Foundation generally does not support capital projects and requires a preliminary conversation and possibly a pre-request before considering such requests. Capital projects are usually only considered if 50% of the project's cost is already covered by other sources. Additionally, the Foundation is open to naming opportunities associated with grants but discourages commemorations in the form of gifts or tokens towards the Foundation, its board members, or staff. Funding is highly competitive, with a preference for organizations previously supported by the Foundation.


    Organization's Location
    aliquip non
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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