Newcomers Fund Grant

From Rose Community Foundation

To advance inclusive, engaged, and equitable Greater Denver communities through values-driven philanthropy. Our mission is inspired by our Jewish roots and legacy, aiming for a thriving region strengthened by its diversity and generosity. Since our inception in 1995, following the sale of Rose Medical Center established by Denver's Jewish community, our commitment has remained to uphold philanthropy, community service, and excellence, shaping our efforts in the Greater Denver region.

Type of Support


The Newcomers Fund Grant aims to support individuals who have recently arrived in Colorado, primarily from South and Central America, due to unrest. Recognizing that these newcomers lack employment eligibility and access to traditional refugee resettlement benefits, the grant focuses on providing immediate triage and resources to address their needs. With an emphasis on initial support, the program also anticipates future grants that could assist with long-term needs such as medical and mental health services, family reunification, integration supports, and immigration legal services. Grants can be requested up to $25,000, with decisions made bi-monthly, prioritizing projects that impact the breadth and depth of the community's needs.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 25k


Review Criteria

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