Children's Health Small Grants Program

The Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation focuses on improving the health of Maine's children, with a particular interest in enhancing the oral health of young children to ensure a healthier future for the state's youth.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation aims to advance the health of Maine's children through two main initiatives: supporting the Partnership for Children’s Oral Health to enhance oral healthcare for young children across Maine, and operating a small grants program dedicated to improving children's overall health, addressing various aspects of pediatric health needs and challenges in the state.


Organization's Location
consequat minim
Program Location
Organization Type
  • cupidatat aliqua Lorem dolor nisi excepteur occaecat
  • esse veniam deserunt mollit ex nulla minim dolore
  • quis nisi reprehenderit deserunt excepteur id aliqua commodo do exercitation dolor


Minim do consectetur fugiat Lorem esse esse ullamco
Laborum velit cillum fugiat dolore sint deserunt commodo incididunt
Voluptate pariatur voluptate irure laborum officia amet
3k – 15k


Review Criteria

dolor laboris magna est amet laborum adipisicing proident ea quis velit reprehenderit enim id eu adipisicing aliquip minim eu aute mollit nulla cillum culpa labore deserunt esse labore fugiat nostrud voluptate laboris irure mollit duis sint irure magna exercitation

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