Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation: Achieving and Retaining Accreditation RFP

The Castle Foundation has a long history of supporting educational initiatives that lead to better teaching, better facilities, and better outcomes for children. With a belief that high-quality early education is fundamental for giving children and families the best chance for equal educational opportunity, the Foundation focuses on fostering substantial academic results and healthier lifestyles through excellent preschool education.

Type of Support


The Castle Foundation Grant supports independent preschools in their efforts to achieve or maintain accreditation through recognized educational agencies such as NAEYC, HAIS, WASC, NECPA, and WINHEC. The foundation believes that accreditation status is a significant quality indicator, benefiting both teachers and students by potentially allowing schools to charge higher tuition, which in turn supports fair compensation for teachers. The grant provides $15,000 to $25,000 to qualifying schools, which are expected to match this funding and are encouraged to seek additional support from other Hawaii-based charitable organizations if necessary. The foundation has allocated $100,000 to assist schools with the improvement efforts required for accreditation.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations classified by the IRS as 501(c)(3), tax-exempt agencies
Not private foundations
  • Located within the state of Hawaii
  • Programs and projects benefiting the people of Hawaii
  • Organizations outside Hawaii must be invited by the Trustees
  • Supports co-funding arrangements with partner foundations and national/regional funders
  • Programs/projects must respond to a documented community need
  • Grants may be awarded for innovative programs, demonstration projects, and "start-up" funding
  • Generally, an organization is not awarded more than one grant in any calendar year


Government entities (public and charter schools)
Non-U.S. applications
Public/private high schools, middle schools, elementary schools
Charter Schools (except pre-school teacher education)
Regular operating costs (salaries, rents, maintenance)
Projects requiring more than 30-40% of total cost from the Foundation
Programs not open to all racial and ethnic groups
Projects lacking parental and community involvement
Publication and media projects
Organizations outside Hawai‘i not serving Hawaii’s needs
Travel or conference scholarships for teachers and students
Video projects
Annual fund drives, sponsorships, special events
Capital campaigns unrelated to early education
Political events, campaigns, and sponsorships
Projects financed by "braided funding"
Third party regranting organizations
Support beyond 3 years without a 1 year break after.
15k – 25k


Review Criteria

The foundation primarily concentrates on the early education of children aged 0-5. It favors initiatives that enhance the accessibility of high-quality early education for families with low income. Due to the high expenses associated with building new preschools, the Foundation opts to support established schools and promotes the intelligent utilization of current facilities and infrastructures.

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